Friday, November 24, 2006

Starting Your Own Bar?

So how can someone go about starting their own bar? I had a look around out of curiousity, and found that there are places that can be rented for around AU$60K per year in the CBD for use as bars. Then you'll need a liquor license to be able to serve alcohol, which I think costs around AU$1,300. After that you'll need to get spend on making the bar look appropriate, with couches, lights, DJ equipment, etc. Then finally you can start thinking about hiring staff, getting the promoters and DJs in and running a few nights!

Well at least that's what I think is needed. I'm sure there are hidden difficulties in there that only a bar owner would know! It would be cool to own a bar though -- get a few friends together so you can afford the rent, run your own nights to begin with, and DJ as much as you want! But you'd want to have some very close friends as partners -- you don't want to lose your friendship over business issues! Family members would make better partners I think.


ollie brooke said...

Not a bad idea, very workable, I used to be a licensee in the UK and have run a few bars in my time, atmosphere is the biggest concern...

Webmaster said...

Hmmm I thought the license was the biggest difficulty. I suppose making it a place where people want to come and spend time at will be more difficult.

Thanks for your input!