Saturday, August 19, 2006

Melbourne Rhythm and Soul Closed?

I went last week to Rhythm and Soul in the city to check if they've got the UDG Starter Bags for sale, and I was shocked to see some designer clothes store instead!! My favourite record store has closed its branch in the city!! I couldn't believe it, so I went again today just to check if I was dreaming or whether it had really happened. Unfortunately, I wasn't dreaming.

So I went to Central Station in the city to see if I can do my record shopping there from now on, but they don't have a good collection of the sort of tunes I'm after, and neither does HMV (duh!). So it looks like I'm going to have to start buying records online permanently. It's definitely a cheaper way to go, but there's the disadvantage of needing to wait for records, which I can't always afford.

Oh well, I'm going to miss the place. That store had the best headphones (Senheisser HD25), some great cartridges (Ortofon Elektra), some awesome speakers and the best customer service.


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