Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

I think I'm in love...with Vinyl.

1) I like the security of being able to touch the music, control it, and to be able to "see" it playing.

2) I like the convenience of being able to play on any turntable make, by simply knowing how to play on one.

3) I like the simplicity of (most) turntables; no electronics, no fuss.

4) I like the security of knowing that most bars/clubs have turntables as standard.

5) I like going and searching for my music, and being able to slap it on and listen to the entire track before buying.

6) I like carrying Vinyl around to local gigs and to feel like I'm actually carrying music. I like storing Vinyl and collecting Vinyl.

7) I like being able to do something about a skipping track!

(What I don't like is carrying Vinyl overseas, having to wipe them, the fact that they warp, paying so much per track (!!), and not being able to download music (legally) and make copies on Vinyl. But hey, nothing's perfect.)

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