Sunday, May 08, 2005

Joey Youngman @ F4, May 7th

oh boy did he rock it!!!

that place was so banging my ears are still blocked

im pretty sure most of his tracks ( at least past the halfway mark) were running at between 135-140 bpm

i would have thought a venue like F4 would make sure their turntables dont skip. it was skipping so badly at one point he just did a backspin on the skipping record and moved onto the next -- he was pretty upset...would've put me off if i was playing for sure ..he had the club going so well

the next time the record skipped a beat, i was closeby watching him so he asked me to call the manager he wanted people to move away from the decks

anyway was an awesome night..he said he's not sure when he's coming back to melbourne -- hope that had nothing to do with the skipping

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