Tsunami Fundraiser -- Pool Party!
Held a pool party as an effort to collect money for the Asian Boxing day Tsunami
Overall, the numbers at the pool party were very low, probably because many people bought tickets just as a donation, without having any intention of turning up! :-) Another reason could have been that it was not hot enough for an outdoor event.
However, with a total of 150 tickets sold before the event, and around 30 sold on the day, we have raised a total of AUD $2,700 for OXFAM! OXFAM will use this money for long term Tsunami Relief. The money was sent to OXFAM (can be confirmed by calling OXFAM Australia) and we're waiting for a receipt.
Despite the low numbers, the entertainment at the Pool Party was top of its class, with DJs playing a variety of tunes covering House, HipHop and even a mashup of Rock and HipHop! Thanks to Al Mac,LUKO, Dave Chestwig, Clint Hargreaves and JulesPLees for putting on an awesome display of skills!
Thanks also to the many volunteers, without whom we would not have sold all those tickets (and without whom there would not have beena BBQ!). The volunteers who made this fundraiser possible were; Dronan Atkins, Lasantha de Silva, Valerie Raffa, Nuwan Malawara Arachchi, Gaya Jayatilleke, Suranga Hewagamage, Tharanga Madurapperuma, Sheilina Geerdharry, Asiri Wanigarathne, Sanjay Reddy, Dakshika Nawaratne, Sanjaya Wickramasinghe, Thish Muthukudaara, Hashan Kodituwakku, Nalaka Gooneratne, Claire Barratt, Ivan, Nayoma, Angelika Widjaja, Nadhi Jayatilleke, Alex Mckenzie, Clint Hargreaves and Dave Chestwig.
A big thank you to all our sponsors who provided us with much needed resources and facilities. Bar Altitude allowed free entry for the Afterparty and gave us funds for the event, YMCA gave us free useof their pool area, the Leader Community Newspaper gave us free advertising space on their newspaper, X-Treme Entertainment gave us all the DJ equipment for free, Lustre Lounge gave us funds for theevent as well as a free glass of champagne for everyone with a ticket, DRUIDS Cafe and Bar gave us two large platters with cakes and nibblesfor free and Village Curry House gave us a platter full of Samosas for free.Thanks also to JB HiFi for giving us many DVDs to give away as prizes, and Fox FM for letting us advertise the fundraiser on their website.
Last but not least, thanks to the two bouncers, life guards for theirhelp and entertainment, James Phung for helping with poster design and a huge thank you to everyone involved in making this a fun and charitable event! :-)