Sunday, December 21, 2003

My First Gig

I DJed at my friend's (Ashan) engagement, which was held at the Green Papaya restaurant in Melbourne. This was my first live performance in front of a large audience! I had a bit of trouble setting up the speakers etc. (nerves + ignorance) so a friend helped me out.

I had to share the night with a band that played classical music so I played on and off, for about 2 hrs in total. I had borrowed my friend's 200 Watt (RMS) speakers + AMP and had to push them to the max, so the sound quality wasn't all the great and the AMP was heating up like crazy!

A person or two had complained to the manager about the filth in some uncensored HipHop songs -- the complaints probably came from the people who were there for the classical music! The people who enjoyed RnB/ Hip Hop (including some of the oldies who were dancing ballroom to P.I.M.P ) had a ball.

Here's some pics of some of the scrapbooking done of the night by Charmane (Ashan's fiance). Check out her blog here for more amazing scrapbooking pages -- definitely worth a visit!! I look weird in the left pic with the lifted cheek and all, but the scrapbooking makes me look a bit more normal, don't you think?

Edit: I'm having a look at these pics around 3 years later (11th Oct 2006) and I see I was using my old $5 Philips headphones, and Ashan's ornament rack as the DJ table! Also, I noticed that Charmane's scrapbooking has improved heaps (again, check out her blog!).

Come to think of it, I remember that during my set that night, Ashan (wearing white in the above pic) came so close to me that he kicked the plug and everything went silent for a couple of seconds!! Good times...